Lifetime Legal

Taking care of your family has always been the No. 1 priority in your life, and that isn’t going to change. However, planning for the future is something many of us don’t do and consequently families can be torn apart at the most distressing times.  That’s why we have our Lifetime Legal department where we can look after you and your family.  We can advise and assist with:

By planning ahead you can make sure you have provided for your immediate family, made sure your property goes to the right beneficiary, minimised expenses and taxes, planned ahead for any possible incapacity, established who would look after your affairs in the event you no longer can and provided for those who might need help such as a child with a disability or perhaps funds for grandchildren.

And in the unfortunate event of a relative who has not planned ahead becoming incapacitated, we can also help you take control and act in their best interests.

Estate and Succession planning are also vital for anyone who owns a business. If you own your own business, you’ll want to establish some kind of plan to keep it going after you pass. An estate plan will name your successor and outline what happens to your interest in the business.

Estate planning can be done easily and without spending a lot of time or money on the process. This isn’t something you have to wait on because it can be done at any age. The moment you have property, some kind of estate plan should be established. Wills and trusts can always be changed, so it is better to put something into place now. As your assets change and various details change within your family, you can always go back and modify the legal documents to account for your new circumstances.

Whatever your plans, talking with our Lifetime Legal team will make sure you make the best possible plans and decisions.


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